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Pagina’s in categorie "English"
Deze categorie bevat de volgende 20 pagina’s, van de 20 in totaal.
- Pannekoek, Anton - After the war ends
- Pannekoek, Anton - Anton Pannekoek to J.A. Dawson, letter 1946
- Pannekoek, Anton - Anton Pannekoek to J.A. Dawson, letter october 12, 1947
- Pannekoek, Anton - Destruction as A Mean of Struggle
- Pannekoek, Anton - Individual acts
- Pannekoek, Anton - Letter on Workers Councils
- Pannekoek, Anton - Party and working class
- Pannekoek, Anton - Revolt of the Scientists
- Pannekoek, Anton - Society and mind in marxian philosophy
- Pannekoek, Anton - The Failure of the Working Class
- Pannekoek, Anton - The Politics of Gorter
- Pannekoek, Anton - The theory of the collapse of capitalism
- Pannekoek, Anton - The “Group of International Communists” In Holland
- Pannekoek, Anton - Theses on the fight of the working class against capitalism
- Pannekoek, Anton - Trade Unionism
- Pannekoek, Anton - Why past revolutionary movements have failed
- Pannekoek, Anton - Workers' Councils
- Pannekoek, Anton - World Revolution and Communist Tactics